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Entities are mainly used on cardEntities and cardGrid.

It is possible to overwrite and configure varrious things on Entities.

Possible configuration values for entities key:

key optional type default description
entity False string None name of ha entity
name True string None Used to override names (supports home assistant templates)
value True string None Used to override the value (supports home assistant templates)
icon True string None Used to override icons
color True array None Overwrite color of entity color: [255, 0, 0]
state True string None Only displayed if Entity state is equal to this value
state_not True string None Only displayed if Entity state is unequal to this value
status True string None Only valid for navigate and service items, adds a entity to track state for the icon
assumed_state True string None Only for cover items, up, down and stop buttons are always shown
action_name True string None Only valid for script; Button label
font True string None Used to change the font for cardGrid Icons; valid values are (small, medium-icon and medium). Currently only supported for homeassistant entities and not for internal ones.
effectList True string None Only valid for light; for example [Android, Aurora (fav list for effects)

Override Icons or Names

To overwrite Icons or Names of entities you can configure an icon and/or name in your configuration, please see the following example. Only the icons listed in the Icon Cheatsheet are useable.

          - entity: light.test_item
            name: NameOverride
            icon: mdi:lightbulb

It is also possible to configure different icon overwrites per state:

                "on": mdi:lightbulb
                "off": mdi:lightbulb

It is also possible to configure different color overwrites per state:

                "on": [255,0,0]
                "off": [0,0,255]
Dynamic color overwrites using homeassistant templates:
            color: '{{iif(states("binary_sensor.test")=="on", "[0,255,0]", "[255,165,0]")}}'

It is also possible to use text instead of icons with text:X

                "on": mdi:lightbulb
                "off": "text:"

Note: State Overrides are working with all state values, not only with "on" and "off".

To insert dynamic values from a homeassistant template, like a temperature you can also use ha: which will be rendered as homeassistant template. There probably not much cases where this is needed, but here is an exmaple to show the current temperature on the status icon of the screensaver:

        entity: climate.wohnzimmer_boden
        icon: 'ha:{{ state_attr("climate.wohnzimmer_boden","current_temperature")}}'

If you want to display icons from a template you can put them between <I></I>

        icon: 'ha:{{ iif(is_state('', 'on'), '<I>mdi:flashlight</I>', '<I>mdi:flashlight-off</I>') }}'

Hide item based on state

This sensor will only be shown on the card if it's state is equal to off

      - entity: binary_sensor.sensor_bad_contact
        state: "off"

This sensor will only be shown on the card if it's state is not equal to on

      - entity: binary_sensor.sensor_kueche_contact
        state_not: "on"

Hide item based on HA Template

The template must evaluate to true for the entity to hide.

      - entity: binary_sensor.sensor_kueche_contact
        state_template: '{{ state_attr("sun.sun","azimuth") < 200 }}'

Calling service directly as button

The following example shows how to call services directly, this enables you to call services on entities not (yet) supported by the backend and also to pass data to services.

    - entity: service.light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.schreibtischlampe
        color_name: "green"